The Nuts and Bolts of Podcasting with Max Branstetter, MaxPodcasting: Show Notes & Transcript
Welcome back to Marketing Smarts! From brand-building and marketing veterans Anne Candido and April Martini (that’s us) comes a podcast committed to cutting through all the confusing marketing BS so you can actually understand how to take action and change your business today. We deep-dive into topics most would gloss-over, infusing real-world examples from our combined 35+ years of corporate and agency experience. We tell it how it is so whether you are just starting out or have been in business awhile, you have the Marketing Smarts to immediately impact your business.
In this episode, we’re talking the nuts and bolts of podcasting with Max Branstetter. Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and your other favorite podcast spots – follow and leave a 5-star review if you’re exercising your Marketing Smarts!
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Marketing Smarts: The Nuts and Bolts of Podcasting with Max Branstetter, MaxPodcasting
Podcasting has grown a TON as a business-building tool over the past couple decades. We’re entering our 3rd year of podcasting, and we continue to find it to be an interesting point of discussion for most people. But what does it take to start – and continue – an awesome podcast for your business or personal brand? We’re excited to share a special peek behind the curtain, as we welcomed on our podcast producer: Max Branstetter! Max is the Founder and Podcast Producer at MaxPodcasting, the Host of the Wild Business Growth Podcast, and writes the Podcasting to the Max newsletter – where podcasting meets entrepreneurship (and terrible puns). This episode covers everything from podcasting tips to Cincy vs. Cleveland. Here’s a small sample of what you will hear in this episode:
- What are the nuts and bolts of podcasting?
- How do you know when you’re ready to start a podcast?
- What are the different types of podcasts?
- Should you have guests on your podcast?
- What holds people back from starting a podcast?
- How many points did we not get to in this episode?
- What is Max’s favorite podcast (other than his own & ours)?
- Who has he interviewed from the NFL world?
And as always, if you need help in building your Marketing Smarts, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at:
Check out the episode, show notes, and transcript below:
Show Notes
- The Nuts and Bolts of Podcasting with Max Branstetter, MaxPodcasting
- [0:00] Welcome to Marketing Smarts
- [0:28] Anne Candido, April Martini
- [0:35] What are the nuts and bolts of podcasting?
- [1:41] Learn more about Max at, the Wild Business Growth Podcast, and the Podcasting to the Max newsletter
- [3:15] How do you know when you’re ready to start a podcast?
- [4:16] Road Trippin’
- [6:04] What are the different types of podcasts?
- [7:43] Networking
- [8:20] Thought Leadership
- [10:19] COVID-19
- [12:58] KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
- [13:41] Internal Podcasting
- [15:35] The Tim Ferriss Show
- [15:52] Social Media
- [18:07] Me, Myself & Irene
- [23:54] Do you want to stand out in your industry and get more sales? Show you’re different to attract and retain top talent? Build a brand that drives real business results? Grab your Brand Strategy Workbook at:
- [24:51] What holds people back from starting a podcast?
- [26:15] MaxPodcasting
- [27:05] YouTube
- [27:35] Public Speaking
- [27:52] ForthRight Women
- [40:16] Audiograms, LinkedIn
- [44:00] Marketing Smarts: Classics
- [47:33] Calendly
- [47:57] Should you have guests on your podcast?
- [51:41] Troy Aikman, Joe Buck
- [56:05] How many points did we not get to in this episode?
- [57:24] Delirium Tremens
- [57:48] Scott Hanson – Wild Business Growth Podcast #170: Host of NFL RedZone
- [58:32] Pardon My Take
- [59:20] Learn more about Max at, the Wild Business Growth Podcast, and the Podcasting to the Max newsletter
- [1:01:00] Make sure to follow Marketing Smarts on your favorite podcast spot and leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts
- [1:01:02] Learn more at and connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn
- [1:01:05] Sign up to view all the ForthRight worksheets & tips for FREE!
- [1:01:08] Shop our Virtual Consultancy
What is Marketing Smarts?
From brand-building and marketing veterans Anne Candido and April Martini comes a podcast committed to cutting through all the confusing marketing BS so you can actually understand how to take action and change your business today. They deep-dive into topics most would gloss-over, infusing real-world examples from their combined 35+ years of corporate and agency experience. They tell it how it is so whether you are just starting out or have been in business awhile, you have the Marketing Smarts to immediately impact your business.
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Please note: this transcript is not 100% accurate.
Anne Candido 0:02
This is Marketing Smarts – a podcast committed to helping you become a savvier marketing leader, no matter your level. In each episode, we will dive into a relevant topic or challenge that marketing leaders are currently facing. We will also give you practical tools and applications that will help you put what you learn into practice today. And if you missed anything, don’t worry, we put worksheets on our website that summarize the key points. Now, let’s get to it.
April Martini 0:29
Welcome to Marketing Smarts!
Anne Candido 0:31
I am Anne Candido.
April Martini 0:32
And I am April Martini. And today we’re gonna pull back the curtain for all of you listeners and go behind the scenes on what it takes to develop, create and produce a podcast. It’s hard to believe we are entering our third year now of podcasting. I know it’s crazy, right. And we continue to find it to be an interesting point of discussion for most people, not to mention, we often get the question of what it takes to podcast or how do you know you’re ready to give it a shot? Or why do you keep doing it with this longevity of where we are today? All of which we will get into answering today in our discussion. Yeah, and I will say that looking back on our journey, it is an iterative process, right. I
Anne Candido 1:10
think we listen back to some of our earlier episodes, our first episode, which happens actually to be some of our most popular episodes, and we kind of cringe a little bit a little bit, we like to say that we’ve we’ve improved by listening to your guys’s feedback, refining the process, really listening to what drives value all of those things. So keep that in mind as we talk about this, that it is an iterative process, it is a journey. But these are going to be some of the nuts and bolts that are going to really help you to get started and then to learn on your journey. Exactly.
April Martini 1:40
And so that is a good segue because today we’re bringing on a guest to discuss this topic. And that is Max Branstetter, Founder and Podcast Producer of MaxPodcasting, and our Podcast Producer. So you are really getting a peek behind the scenes with us. And we’re gonna admit right now that we geeked out a little before we started this, it’s a little odd to have Max on and also be talking to Max as the Producer. But here we go. Hi, Max, do you want to introduce yourself to the audience today?
Max Branstetter 2:06
Sure. Hey, April and Anne and you don’t have to use that disclaimer. I think it’s always odd having me on a podcast so sorry in advance for anything that comes out of it. But first of all, first and foremost, I’m super excited. This is the all Ohio podcast because we’ve got Cincy we got my Cleveland roots. So Ohio across the board, as sometimes happens on your podcast, but I was super honored, excited to be here. Your podcast is always one of my favorites to “work on,” behind the scenes. And so it’s it’s a real dream coming on here. And as you mentioned, I’m the Founder and Podcast Producer of MaxPodcasting. So I have my podcast production business, I’m the host of the Wild Business Growth Podcast, where I interview creative entrepreneurs every Wednesday, and I have the Podcasting to the Max newsletter, which combines podcasting, entrepreneurship, and puns/dad jokes. So again, apologies in advance for everything but really excited to chat all things podcasting and beyond with you today.
April Martini 3:00
Awesome. Well, we’re happy to have you sir. Right back atcha. With that, we’ll get into the nuts and bolts of podcasting. So to build off of the intro, we said the questions that we get asked are some of the ones we’re going to discuss anyway, today. One of the most frequently asked questions is How do you know when you’re ready to give podcasting a go. So as a producer, we’d love to kick this one over to you, Max, and just have you give your commentary based on the breadth of folks that you work with,
Max Branstetter 3:27
you know, any medium has changed over the years. And it’s funny because podcasting is I mean, two decades old, not even two decades old. So in the grand scheme, the grand schemes, the grand scheme of media is such a young, medium. And while there’s always new ideas about like, what it means to podcast, like whether you video, things like that the truth of the podcasting is that and why I think it’s just the most fascinating medium in the world is that it is such an incredible form of storytelling as well as connection with your audience, because what other medium is there that allows whatever messaging or storytelling you want to get across allows that to literally be in the ears of your listeners of your audience. And so it’s really, really cool. I mean, the first time that I was exposed to a podcast was shoutout Road Trippin’ a Cleveland Cavs podcast at the time now it’s kind of a general NBA. But it was the first time I had heard NBA players talking kind of uncensored, whatever they wanted to. And it felt like you were just sitting there in the locker room or in the hotel with them. And I had never experienced anything like that. And then soon after that, you know, of course discovered business podcasts and realize how much you can learn from business podcasts like that. But I think if you are intrigued by the idea of podcasting, it’s probably because you think would be a lot of fun and a really, really cool way to open doors and it’s incredible from a networking tool as you to know and it is Island really quickly with my podcast so you never know what a podcast interview can turn to. As far as opening doors for you know how you can work with some Whether you whether it be potential new clients, or maybe just the messaging that you have in that podcast might just get into the ears of someone who needs a little boost or pick me up or is looking for a little trick that they can impact back to their business or ways that they can grow, and we can all grow together. So it’s a really, it’s a really powerful medium. And I think the barriers to entry are way lower than some of the other mediums out there.
Anne Candido 5:26
Yeah, and I think if for a lot of folks who say like long form content is dead, all I have to do is like point to podcast, right? Not so much. But it is a little bit of a labor of love, because it does kind of create some extra pressure to fill space meaningfully, right, and to make sure you’re adding value, which is why some podcasts are 10 minutes, and some podcasts can be like a couple of hours. So there is a wide very opportunities for how to actually podcast if you so choose. And I wonder if you could kind of talk about a little bit about that. Like what is like some of the differences you see in the way that people are actually bringing podcasting to life nowadays, because there’s also external internal different timeframes, different topics, there’s themes, there’s all kinds of stuff.
Max Branstetter 6:19
Yeah. And to your point on long form. One of the things that’s so fascinating about podcasting is the fact that, like, yes, some of these episodes can get really long, like some some of the biggest thing podcasts out there are literally like two, three hours long, four hours long, some of these things are crazy, but one, it’s on demand. So people can pause and pick back up whenever they want. It’s not like you have to sit there, you know, block out my schedule, I need to listen to a five hour podcast. But also, you can do other things while you learn and while you’re entertained, as well, as you know, being educated on something got all the ease there. But that’s one of my favorite parts about the medium is that, you know, I can be working out or going for a walk or doing the dishes or cleaning or even working depending if it’s a more kind of like mundane tasks. And which is not your guy’s podcast, by the way. Yeah, Could you could you imagine if I was like listening to other episodes, while editing, I mean, that would just be impossible. But anyway, you could do a number of those things commuting, while still listening and learning and having a blast with it’s so it’s such a clever medium, in terms of different formats and ways that you can podcast. I mean, there’s so many different ways. So you too, and I know we, if that’s the proper saying you too, and I, we all love the we love the format of interview interview format is really, really great from an algorithm standpoint. And as you know, as the host, yes, it helps to plan some things in advance. But also, once you get into it, it can be more of a natural conversation. And so it’s actually, there’s a little bit of groundwork, but actually, once you’re in the actual recording session, it’s way easier to do an interview podcast than to do something that’s totally scripted, or totally just a solo podcast like that. Which leads me to another form solo podcast. So solo podcasts, you can do it a number of different ways. But one of the key things about solo podcasts is that it’s really, really great from an influence standpoint. So if you want to focus on thought leadership, which I know that you guys have had a recent episode that focuses on that. If you want to focus on thought leadership, really make a name for yourself in industry and be like a quote unquote, top voice to steal something from LinkedIn, in a certain space, then solo podcasts are a fantastic way to go. Or there’s narrative podcasts as well. I mean, we see this more and like true crime or fiction podcasts, where there’s a lot more sound effects. And it’s almost like, it almost sounds like you’re listening to a play or like a thriller, or, you know, serial dramas, something that you’d watch like a crime show you’d watch on TV, that’s like a slow burn documentary. And there are those sound effects. There are, you know, there could be many voices that are spliced in throughout the podcast. So there’s a million different ways to do it. And that’s one of the fun questions to think about when you are when you do want to start a podcast is what’s the right format for me, you know, do I want to co host? Do I want to have guests at all? Or do I want to have guests all the time? So those are the really, really fun things to think about. And it, it kind of comes down to what’s feasible for you, as well as what do you want to achieve with the podcast? Yeah, well,
April Martini 9:20
I think it’s interesting, because when you first start to think through all the things you just talked about, I feel like that can be a point of overwhelm for people of like, okay, I want to do it, but now what am I going to go and actually do and what genre am I going to be or you know, my word for what we just talked about? Or do I want to do it with someone else? Or am I going to do interviews and all those things? And I think that when we set out to do this, doing that part of the homework makes it a whole lot easier than when you go to actually start doing it because you have the positioning just like anything else of what you are trying to achieve so on marketing smarts, we say we’re trying to break down the barriers and you know, open the black box and really help people be able to understand marketing and brand and then actually go and do something about it afterward. But when we talked about the why of doing it, we started this podcast when we were in COVID. And to your point about thought leadership, we were a little bit bored. Doing a whole lot of talking to ourselves, right, trying to build our business and trying to build our business, which we started right as COVID did, which was great timing.
Max Branstetter 10:31
impeccable timing. Yeah, right.
April Martini 10:34
But what we really wanted to do was bring marketing to the masses, and also bring our personal passion of being able to teach and educate and help bring people along. And yes, of course, like you said, Max, it’s a way that we promote our business, it builds new connections, it’s really easy to say, hey, you know what, before we do that RFP, go listen to this episode, because by now we have a couple 100. And we have an episode on pretty much everything we do as it relates to business. And so all of that’s really important, but I think what really allowed us to press the go button and get over the hump was when we landed on, this is why we want to go and do this. And this is what we want it to deliver for our audience. And then that kind of just I felt like opened the floodgates for us to be able to be like, okay, and we could do an episode on this, and one on this, and one on this. And then afterward came the structure. And as you know, Max were really, really stubborn about the structure. And we’ve changed it over time. And through feedback, like you said in the beginning, but in order to make it meaningful, that’s important. But I do think that was when we got over that hump was the like, why our why, and then who are we delivering it to?
Max Branstetter 11:41
Why is a fantastic place to start. Like, I know, you hear it all the time in the business world. But, you know, we I think we go back to our first call when you guys were potential clients at the time. I think probably one of the first things we talked about was I asked you, what are your goals with the podcast? Or what do you want to achieve with it. And that’s what I do with every new client and new potential client is starting with the goals because it does, to your point, and with the why it needs to all tie back to whatever your initial goals are for the podcast. Because if not, then you’re going down a you know, a very long and time consuming path that may still be fun, but might not achieve your goals. And at that point, it becomes more of a hobby than a tool for your business. So you have to be very careful with it right up front.
Anne Candido 12:29
Yeah, and I liked that. You mentioned goals, because goals for podcasting vary a ton. Like you didn’t hear me in April say, Well, I mean, we’d like to have the most popular podcasts ever on the face of the planet. I
Max Branstetter 12:40
think I did hear you say that, actually.
April Martini 12:43
That I might have said that in that initial call. Yeah, we probably
Anne Candido 12:47
still do to be totally honest. But as we learned that throughout the journey is that it’s not necessarily the most critical KPI in order to justify the podcast. Right. So as we said before, is it’s a networking it’s it allows us to have intros to people to write it helps us to build our bench, it helps us to justify that we are experts in the areas that we’re talking about. It does all these other things besides have like massive amount of listenership, which is important, and it makes you feel good from an ego standpoint. But it’s not our why by why we do this on a regular basis. It’s for all the other reasons. And now that’s like even that’s just from an external standpoint, because now that we’ll be talking to a lot of our business leaders about is internal podcasting, which I think is becoming a really, really important format. Because all of our businesses now, especially with having still a lot of hybrid environments, having folks who are not in the central location of the offices, but maybe working not just remote, but in different offices across the world, or they’re working at different time zones, it’s hard to bring everybody together to hear what’s going on, right, or what’s the state of the businesses or to get some of that FaceTime with the leadership, this provides a little bit of an opportunity to have that always on relationship with people that they can hear it, as we said, and a flexible environment for them. So it’s becoming a really great way of having regular connects regular touch points. So you don’t know you’re not waiting for that quarterly meeting or that quote, unquote, like big production style, town halls and those sorts of things wherever you kind of wait and the anxious anticipation that we find are kind of like want one at the end of the day anyway. So it does provide the opportunity for leadership to have this connection to with their their folks and their employees. And everybody had the opportunity to hear all that at the same time. So and that’s a different objective and a different goal and driven more by efficiency and connection. Then I might I I’m hoping to have like a gazillion listeners download this podcast episode.
Max Branstetter 14:56
Right and I think kazillion has a goal for many but you The
Anne Candido 15:00
my theoretical number, Mr. tragical? Yeah,
Max Branstetter 15:03
I’ve heard bazillion gazillion that first of all quick note on downloads, because this is always a big question people have with podcasting. And I think that spoiler alert, and also disappointing for many is that I think you will always be proud of the number of downloads you have no matter how much it is, but you will also always be disappointed by downloads. And I think people even I think people always, you know, even the top shows out there that are like, I mean, look at like Tim Ferriss, for example. So like he, and maybe by the time this comes out, he’ll pass it, but like he’s approaching 1 billion downloads, which is, I mean, just sit there and start counting to a billion that will show you how big a billion is, but like, I’m sure Tim Ferriss wishes, he has more downloads, and like, that’s, you know, you’re getting to 1/8 of the population in the world, whatever, people, you’re always going to be disappointed by how much you have, because it’s like a just a natural human thing is that we always want to reach more people, we always want to see those numbers grow wherever there is metrics. But also, when you take a look at it, even if you’re somebody who thinks you have quote, unquote, small downloads, this is not like just you know, posting something on social media or like a paid social media posts, where it’s just oh, it technically went across someone’s screen, and bam, oh, that’s an impression, podcasts downloads, or when somebody listens, or, you know, quote, unquote, downloads your podcasts, when somebody is taking the time to actually like, carve out time to listen, maybe while doing something else, but carving out time to listen to your messaging, and like you’re literally in their head in their ears. That’s a way greater commitment than some of the other forms of online media that we’re used to. So it’s way more impactful. And yes, the numbers are often going to be smaller than you might expect, initially. But they do always grow over time. And also, so many podcasts are evergreen, so that will continue to grow and grow. So that was my aside, part one on downloads, because that always comes up. But and and I think you make great points on internal podcasting, it’s definitely a big part of podcasts that are growing. And the key word that you said, which is spot on, and that’s like asterisk, asterisk, which is tough to say, connection, it’s all about connection. And I think, I mean, when you’re part of an organization, and you want to hear from your leadership, you want there to be some sort of connection there. Like you want to relate to these people you want these people, I’m sure you just don’t that you want to relate to, you want to relate to the leaders, you want to know what’s actually happening with the company, you want to, you know, feel that excitement and momentum and morale there. And a podcast is a phenomenal way to do that from a connection standpoint, because when you do listen to a podcast, you have a much greater feel for an understanding of whoever is talking at the moment. So gonna get really meta here. But for those of you that are listening to this conversation, right now, it might feel like you know, we’re sitting in there in the room with you, or actually, the better analogy is, you might feel like a fly on the wall for our conversation between an APR and myself, and me, myself and Irene, as well. So it’s a way better way of getting an understanding for what’s going on, as well as the personalities of the people that are, you know, quote, unquote, in charge or leadership there. And that actually ties to one of my favorite ways to prepare for interviewing guests is actually to listen to them as guests on other podcasts, hands down is the best way to prepare because, or their own pockets. If they have one, it’s hands down the best way to prepare because you get such a good feel of who they are. Their personality, their sense of humor, hopefully they have one, how many puns and dad jokes they use, but as well as like, what are the things that they really love to talk about. And also, you know, fun facts that come up just naturally, and their interview appearances about really cool things about their background that you might want to explore. So that ties back to internal podcasting as well. But that connection, there is always a huge part of podcasting. And again, we’re going to add this to the list of Max’s favorite parts of podcasting.
April Martini 19:04
Well, I mean, I think everything you said really resonates. And I think that it is interesting for people on that like very, very human connection point. Because going back to the point about downloads, and this was hard for us to swallow and beginning to it’s like, oh, we’re spending all this time and effort and whatever. And the numbers aren’t growing, even though everyone told us the numbers don’t grow like that, you know, like you get caught in the analytics, which is the less human side of things. But as you were talking, I was thinking about a couple things. One is I was actually at a happy hour last night. And it was interesting because one of the people listens to the podcast. And so he said something to me about I feel like I hear from you all the time and I didn’t understand at first what he was talking about. And then I was putting out he was like Yeah, I like listening. When I’m listening and I’m like, oh, like I’m like a regular to your point. I’m like a regular person in his life, but I haven’t seen him in and longest in his ear like, yeah. And then the other thing is, is that some of our most avid listeners, who are people that are close to us love listening, because they’re here, they’re listening for things that were they were part of those situations, right? Or like, they’re kind of like guessing like, Oh, I was I part of this one? Do I know this one? Like, what are they going to talk about today? Is it going to be one of the agencies we worked out together? You know, so I do think it is, in some ways, it’s the opposite of what we talked about about like making new connections and whatever, but it’s like you become a personality. And I actually find those things, those more qualitative one off type of things more reaffirming and encouraging, and they get my energy up, because I feel like we’re fulfilling something that is more nebulous when you think about it from a metric standpoint, but it is that sort of nuance of what you’re delivering when you choose to do a podcast and be in people’s ear, like you said, or have them be part of the conversation in the room as a fly on the wall.
Max Branstetter 21:02
Well, first of all, I’m jealous. I wasn’t at the happy hour. So thanks for the invite.
Anne Candido 21:06
I wasn’t either Max. So if it makes you feel any better?
Max Branstetter 21:10
You know what, Anne and I are gonna have our own Happy Hour somewhere. Probably in Cleveland. No, just Cleveland. All right, you know what I got, I gotta jump off, guys. But so that is true. And congrats on that both you have, but especially you April on the happy hour. There is like, we had to come up with a name for that I guess the term personality uses is a good one. But there’s something like out there where when you do encounter loyal listeners of your podcast, and anybody in your audience, there’s like an extra sense of familiarity with you it’s it almost is like you have been hanging out together even if you haven’t seen them in person in a while. And I think that’s a really, really nice thing. And it all goes back to connection. And that’s a really, really important part of your it sounds funny to say it, but like your fan base, or if your audience is the like, it always starts off with a new podcast. Vast majority of people who tune in will be your family and friends, and then kind of grows out from there as they you know, your family and friends hopefully refer to people that are there that family and friends and people in their networking can grow from there. And then of course, everybody wants to continue to get new listeners as well, people that you didn’t even know before you started the podcast. So that’s kind of like the natural trend there. But what’s really, really cool is your family and friends, those who love the podcast and those who you know, you mean the most to, they will always be a big part of your audience like they will always be, you know, rallying for you and tuning in every week. And now like, for my podcast, like all of my wife, Dana’s family listens to it, like some of our most diehard fans is like my mother in law, Sheryl and my, my, my grandmother in law, Rosalie and like, literally, I don’t think the first ones to listen every Wednesday morning. So it’s kind of funny how it grows from there. Yeah, exactly. But it also adds something fun to talk about with family and friends. And like, you just never know, like some episodes you think are going to be the favorites. And some you think or like, you’re maybe not quite as excited about. And then you’ll hear feedback from especially from family and friends of like, oh my god, I love that episode, or like, I cannot believe that guests said that or like said that to you or, or something like that. So it’s a really important talking point. But even as you attract new people and grow your audience, from that perspective, it’s really important to focus and be grateful for your family and friends that tune in as well, because there’s also family members and friends that won’t care about listening at all. And that’s also okay, because, you know, you can’t just shove content down their throat. So you got you got to be grateful.
April Martini 23:54
Well, okay, so if we think about, I’m sort of flipping it on its head, like, we’ve gotten into a lot of like, why we do it and what you know, what we’re trying to achieve and the different types of podcasts you could be doing. But I said that thing about what got us over the hump, I would love to know what kind of excuses you get from people, or I’m sure you get a lot of like, well, we think we might want to do this, but like, what holds people back because I have a feeling that the listeners will be nodding along if they’ve even considered a podcast at all about what is in their head. So anyway, thoughts there.
Max Branstetter 24:30
And that can be interpreted two different ways. So hopefully nodding along is like the yes not not the like nodding to sleep. Be that as it will or as you may whatever that thing is, but excuses. Yeah, of course. I’ve heard all of them in the book. I hands down the biggest roadblock holding people up to get started or continue podcasting is of course time. It is as you know, as I know, as anybody who has recorded even a single podcast knows that It is very time consuming, not just the recording, you know, the recording, typically you can do in an hour or less or even shorter. But if you are doing the editing or you’re doing the marketing, which of course once you start it, you’re gonna want to market it as well, as well as the sourcing of guests as well as how do you integrate this with your website, all these different things. What sounds like a polished finished product of an hour or less conversation that’s you know, if you do it right is great quality shoutout MaxPodcasting actually, actually takes many, many hours every week in order to put together and you to know this better than anybody. So if you do have the luxury to work with, I’m not saying just Vax podcasts, but any any Podcast Producer or hire any sort of help, whether that be Freelancer full time to take especially editing off your plate, as well as any marketing elements or help with recording anything like that. Anything in that ballpark can be a huge help in getting you over the hump, because it does as you know, it saves so much time. So time is a huge thing. Cost hold some people up but it depends on your budget, I’ll go back to what I said at the start that the barriers to entry are very low compared to other mediums like you can spend maybe a few hundred bucks on equipment, maybe less, and have an awesome sounding podcast where if you’re going to start like a fully polished YouTube show, or a TV show, anything, anything, anything in person, yeah, exactly. Like it can get really expensive, really quick. So costs isn’t as big of a concern. But it can be when you when you aren’t familiar with what the costs are. But I’m telling you, you can do a lot and a few 100 bucks or less in order to get over the hump from that standpoint. And then another big one, I would say that people kind of waffle on a lot is just fear and confidence. And it goes back to Public Speaking of like, how am I going to put myself out there like what happens when I put myself out there and and I know you to speak about this a lot, especially with forthright, especially with forthright women, if I can pronounce it correctly, having the confidence to put yourself out there and having the confidence to kind of put your stake in the ground and certain things and being okay with the consequences. And in the podcasting. Well, you know, the hardest thing is putting your first episode out there because that’s when you kind of break the surface water surface tension, whatever that’s called. But the key there is that once you do put it out there, you realize how fun it is how many doors that can open the benefits of it, and that you might just really enjoy it. And if you are someone who enjoys podcasting, then you want to keep recording and keep interviewing people and you want to keep it going. And it becomes a big fixture a big part of your life. And so I think when I think back to the early days of the Wild Business Growth Podcast, like the negative days of the Wild Business Growth Podcast, like before I launched our first episodes, even of that, the thing that got me to like fully get over the hump and finally put it out there was to plan out what the podcast was about, of course, buy equipment, like buying that microphone actually makes a huge difference. Because now you have it in front of you like you can do some test recordings, you can start to get familiar with it. And then once you start recording, start editing, pick the actual launch date, and stick to it, do the things in advance to make sure you launch and just get it out there. Like there’s no there’s no benefit. Once you have things ready from a quality standpoint, and from a planning standpoint, there’s no benefit of just delaying and then delaying and delaying like just get it out there. These things are evergreen. So even if you’re not super happy with the first episode, it’s kind of cool, because you can look back years later and be like, Oh my god, look how far we’ve grown as a podcast and as a podcast host. So that’s a really, really cool thing. But also also a side benefit of podcasting as it helps you because become so much better. I’m a terrible example of this, because I stumble over my words all the time. But it helps you become so much better at communications and gives you the confidence to do public speaking. Yep, you establish your authority in the space and it can turn into speaking gigs or hosting gigs outside of even what you thought possible. So it’s a it’s a great way to work on your communication skills as well. And you hear how often you say, um, and how to work.
April Martini 29:24
Yeah, I mean, I think you kind of answered, you know, two of the things is like, what, what is it take to get over and then what to do about it. And we hear the same sort of questions. And we also have see the same barriers just on people’s faces when they ask us and so the time thing, I think the misconception that’s out there is that you must record an episode every week, and go through the process of editing and doing all the things for that episode before you move to the next one. And so one of the things we tell people immediately is Yeah, that would make us go crazy. And we will never do it that way. And so when we explain to people that we have a very specific process, and it’s like we do certain things for the podcast every week, but it’s not that way, because that would be wildly inefficient for us. And so when I say things like, you know, we prepare for episodes, and then we go, and we record back to back afternoons to episodes and afternoon, and then it goes to you, and you take the first swipe at editing, and then we listen back to each episode. And then you know, every Tuesday one goes live, but we essentially always have about four in the can, or in the works, right? It’s like, you can see the relief on people’s faces like, oh, okay, that makes a ton of sense. I totally understand how that would work. Right? Yeah. So I think that that’s one of the misnomers probably that people have in their head of like, that has to happen, you know, and then I remind people like, also, by the way, it’s not live. So one of the pieces of advice, I think it came from you, again, we you know, before we were your client, about one of the best things you can do is just keep talking. And that you can edit it then Right. And so I think we it was great that we had that advice right off the bat. But then also, it was like, when I would keep that in my head, I’m like, even if I’m meandering in my thoughts, or if I stop talking, I’m not giving the producer or if I’m producing myself, anything to work with. Whereas you can just work through your thoughts. That’s where I do think you get better and better. And then just to emphasize the point you made about how good it makes you at communicating. I mean, I have always loved standing up in front of people and talking and you know, I’m an extrovert, I get my energy from other people. But I’m startled, sometimes about the like, fluidity and articulate nature of what comes out of my mouth as a result of and I’m totally like, that sounds like I’m patting myself on the back. But it’s more that like, I pride myself on being able to do that. And I’ve always considered that a skill. But it happens. So naturally. Now to the point that you made where I don’t feel like there’s any question that someone could ask me, especially business related that I wouldn’t be able to come up with an answer for quickly. And it’s because we spend so much time from a thought leadership perspective, thinking about what we want to say on this podcast and the topics we want, and then practicing it by doing the recordings every single month. I mean, it just, it makes all of that so much easier. And it just makes you infinitely better, I think.
Max Branstetter 32:27
And I have to pat you too, on the back as well. This is a pat off. You two are some of the best I’ve ever seen at batching recordings. And you in your example, you show you can feel that relief, as you talked about. It is so much easier to do a weekly or multiple times a week podcast, when you know that you’re only recording one time a month. I mean, that’s incredible. Yeah. And so you too, are so good at that you plan it you plan your scheduling, that way, you have that all buttoned up. So that’s a huge help. I like many. And the person, the figurative person in your example, when I first started hearing about weekly podcasts, I thought, Oh, you interview somebody every week. And oh, man, sometimes you might need to find somebody like last minute, squeeze them in on Friday, do a recording there, and then you have next week’s episode. And if you are finding somebody every week and recording every week, and don’t have any wiggle room there, that is one of the only things that makes podcasting really stressful. And so the more that you plan out in advance, so you guys are great with Bing, you know, a month or two ahead on recordings. I’m the same way with my podcast now. Like, I kind of think the sweet spot is be like, six weeks to two months ahead. Like if you can stay kind of in that ballpark one month ahead is great, too. But if you can, if you can be in that ballpark, then it makes it so much less stressful to put out consistent content, because you’re not struggling to find people. And as you know, especially over the past few years, like it has become more common for people to postpone or to cancel interviews just because everybody’s got so much going on. And more and more online meetings that and you never know what can come up and personalized as well. But you just need to have some sort of wiggle room there in case there are cancellations. And also you can prioritize the episodes and choose the order you want. So it makes sense. You know, this episode comes after this one or if you do like my podcasts like I never want to have two episodes back to back that are like way too close to each other. So I appreciate and I know my listeners really appreciate that variety. So like it might be people in two different like totally different fields that have nothing to do with each other that I’ll throw it back to back to keep it interesting. So it’s a phenomenal point. So there’s your your backpack.
Anne Candido 34:51
Well, we certainly appreciate that because you know, we’d like to be our star pupils of course.
April Martini 34:55
Yesterday. We were all eight always a students
Anne Candido 35:00
I’ll go I’ll go back to something that you said is such he gave me props on connection, I’ll give you props on simple. Because I feel like anybody who’s trying to debate where to start or how to start, I’ll go back to the fact that just keep it as simple as possible. ordering the equipment is simple. And Max can give you the whole set of what to order and you can have it all set up in like two seconds. The only other thing that you need, we’re
Max Branstetter 35:25
not promising two seconds here. I think legal counsel chiming in like, let’s, let’s cut that. But
Anne Candido 35:31
that was like two seconds plus maybe like a little bit of additional time, or a slight exaggeration or hyperbole. But it can be set up quickly. And so that’s not a barrier. So that’s simple. But what even before you get to that point, one of the big questions you have to make, which is why Max keeps referring to the fact that before we were a client, before we were a client, is you have to decide where you want to do your podcast record. Oh, yeah. 100%. I mean, that was a big thing for us, because we wanted to keep it again, as simple as possible. So even when we started a couple years ago, people were still trying to figure this out, especially and the more virtual kind of setting. So as we talk to, I mean, talk to you Max melee, like, yes, this guy absolutely knows what he’s doing. But we didn’t feel confident in ourselves to be able to do it hold up on our end, to make your job easy. So we’re like, hey, to make it easy on us, we’re gonna go and we’re gonna do this in a studio to begin with, right? And we’re in the studio managed all of that on our behalf. Now, when you have like very professional producers, like you become Mac’s, you have somebody who can actually do it all for you. So like, if you’re going to start from the very beginning, you help people walk through, Hey, what is this thing going to be about? Let’s write up your description. Let I have somebody who can do the art for it. I have, like, you know, you have the whole team can make this happen for you. And all you just have to say, as the client is like, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I want to do all these kinds of these things, and you give them to me, and it kind of comes to you in a package. Now, I will say on us that, you know, when we initially came to you, it was like one price, and then we came back like a year later. And it was a different price. But you know, see how that goes. But with that being said, it’s a very economical approach for us not to have to do it ourselves. Because you do it so much more efficiently. You do it with a better ear, you’re in the equipment, you know how to do all those edits, if we were going to do it ourselves, it would be the only thing we do. Right, we would only be doing our podcasts. And most of us who are going to be doing podcasting are business owners, we’re employees, we do other things besides that. So my suggestion when to pull that through from a theme standpoint is to keep it as simple on yourself as possible. And use the team and the people at your disposal in order to put this together for you so that you can focus on the content, you can focus on your delivery, you can focus how you want it to feel all those important things that are you focus versus I need to edit it now I need to figure out how to like put it and download it onto a system so other people can hear it and all those sorts of things.
Max Branstetter 38:11
What you alluded to with the pricing changes that the market reflects that was all nothing else. I just got it. Yeah, sorry. Did you just say something? Yeah. No, but that was actually a great mini case study on probably what you and your clients see all the time, every business owner prices himself too cheaply at first. So that off, so that so that often happens with the new business. But simplicity is super important. And if you do work with any sort of production team or editing team or somebody that helps you out at the start, I think one of the really cool things, and one of the ways that I love to work as well is that it can still be fluid, like you can change how you work together over time. So obviously would working you know if you are someone launching a podcast, like on our end, like I’m a brainstorming coach for you at the start and continued whenever you know you want to help along. But I can help you get started with like creating a podcast from scratch and actually getting it out into the world. And then we become more of an editing partner and marketing partner as that goes on. But we also in with our partnership, we’ve done this as well. You can try out what you’re liking what you’re not liking, where you want help where you don’t want help. So like there’s different marketing elements. So like maybe you want audio grams, maybe you don’t want audio grams, maybe you want social copy ideas for LinkedIn, maybe you need help with writing the episode summaries or maybe there’s somebody on your team that does that already. Or maybe you know if you’re someone who’s getting to the video site as well, like maybe you want clips for that maybe you want full video, things like that. So you can change that over time and tweak that over time and again, you do have done phenomenal job over time of seeing what ways can we tweak the podcast? What ways can we repurpose so much of this awesome content we have already? And where can max help with this? Or where do we have it covered on our end? And so that can change over time. And I think that’s, like, an awesome thing to have open communication with your production team, whoever whoever’s running that is, you know, kind of talking through that whole menu of where do we need help? Where do we not need help? Where might we need help in the future?
April Martini 40:28
Yeah, I think it makes a ton of sense. And I mean, when we made that decision to go in the studio in the first place, to the simplification comment, we knew that this was uncharted territory for us, we’d both been on some podcast episodes, we also, were basically making this our single marketing channel for ourselves at that point in time. And it was our biggest investment at that point in time. And so there was everything from like the logistics, to the fact that I was living in a condo downtown next to a firehouse, so that wasn’t gonna work.
Max Branstetter 41:02
I mean, who isn’t, though, yeah, right. To
April Martini 41:04
the fact that we just didn’t even feel like we could manage the equipment because we couldn’t yet manage ourselves, and the back and forth conversation and the tone and all the things we wanted to set. And I think the other part about what you said and the iterative nature of it, and and you talked about getting better over time, it became very clear to us I remember, like leaving the recording booth and looking at each other and saying, We don’t need to do that anymore. We’re over 100 episodes, and we’re ready for Max. Yeah. And so I think that that is really important as well is, you know, do what you have to do on the front end. Also know that there are like you said, so many things you can take and tweak and change over time. I mean, I used to do all of our audio grams, and we decided those weren’t really getting as much, quote unquote, press anymore. And we needed to figure out something else. And also, as we said, in the various again, make
Anne Candido 41:59
sure we’re clear that you did the audiograms because you wanted to control over what it looked like and what it sounded like.
April Martini 42:04
That’s fair. That was true at that point in time.
Anne Candido 42:08
The audiogram. And I was quickly told that was not my lane. That’s true.
Max Branstetter 42:12
That did happen. And is out to get everyone today. She is Yeah, yeah, she’s the
April Martini 42:16
contrary getting my ear. He did this yesterday. We pulled back the curtain. And she did this yesterday, yesterday about pulling back the curtain. Very unlike as real, as you will see, Max, when you get into our episodes from yesterday, she was the contrarian on that one too. So. But anyway, I mean, I do think that when you settle in and you become more comfortable, it becomes easier to be more flexible, which then saves you time and cost and all those things. I mean, now to the point you made Max about being out in front of things. And also if somebody cancels, we can move the dates. Now we like to stay to our schedule, especially we meaning the I in that in this duo.
Anne Candido 42:59
And I think it’s important that we actually do have a schedule. So we do schedule our guests according to our schedule, not according to their schedule. Yes. And really Yes, but if
April Martini 43:09
somebody you know, taps out, we had this last month with recording, we’ve now started building or reintroducing many of our episodes as quote unquote, classics, which Max, you are pushing us for a long time to figure out other ways because we have so many episodes and so much content. And we started hearing that from lots of people around us like, but people don’t catch it on the first time. And like you said, with the downloads, you know, we had one that sparked all kinds of conversation in my network. It’s over a year old and we relaunched it. And now all the things you’ve talked about today, it reengaged that guest I saw him last night actually, at the happy hour at the happy hour last year, I wasn’t
Max Branstetter 43:45
at this happy, I
April Martini 43:46
shouldn’t have brought the mic, here we go. But then, you know, someone in my network reached out and said, Hey, I have some potential guests. And I think we could look at this conversation in different ways. And that cost t and I didn’t you know, so here’s the type of things that start to happen. But a lot of that has to do with the fact that we’re comfortable. I could generally talk all day on any day. But we were now good with not having to control everything right. So we’re in the basement at my house. Now we had you do all the things you just said help set us up help us with buying the right equipment. Sometimes there’s some sound stuff that we start to hear and you can say, Oh, I think this setting got turned off or those types of things. And we’re not so quote unquote paranoid I think that it’s not going to turn out well because we’ve been doing it for so long. So anyway, I think that’s just the overall point.
Anne Candido 44:36
Well, I think just to build on what you were saying too, I think it’s important to start again if you’re gonna keep it simple with a format that you feel the most comfortable with. Yeah, so me and April started initially with just us because the idea of trying to book guests was like very daunting were like, we don’t even know how to do that we don’t even have us figured out yet and so it was a probably about a year before we even introduce guests I think and then we regimen it based on a schedule based on batching. So that we can control our own environment versus having people control ours, then something shifted around that time to where people started reaching out to us to be on our podcast. And so then we had a constant flow of people to choose from versus having to do the outreach all the time. And now it’s kind of like I would say, 50/50, between the people that we invite on, and the people that outreach to us, you could guys can guess which one Max is, but
But I think, you know, if there’s a rule book, I guess, is what I’m getting at. And so if I was like, get in there, just go back to the theme. It’s like, keep it as simple as you possibly can. And then learn as you go. And you will evolve it while you’re on the journey versus feeling like it has to fit some sort of specific, like, I booked that somebody has written that says, This is how you produce a gazillion downloaded podcasts. And so we like a zillion as being our goal.
Max Branstetter 45:51
Well, let’s not get ourselves I mean, this podcast episode came from me being a surprise guests at the happy hour last night and April’s like, oh, this would be an awesome idea. You got any time tomorrow? No, I think those are all great points. You too are a case study yourself of what’s involved in recording with the co host, and then what’s involved in recording with a co host and a guest. Yeah, so you’ve kind of seen both sides of that. So like, I just had a curiosity, we would love to know, like the biggest adjustment from your guys standpoint, once that came into the mix. But I think before that it it really important point that you mentioned there that helps out so much is that it is your schedule, and that when you’re sending times to guess, like, you know that there’s only you know, one or two days a month that you’re recording. And you can do the same thing. If you’re using something like Calendly, like one of these online schedulers, like you can pick and choose when you’re available. So if you send a link for guests to schedule, that’s the only option they have for scheduling. So if they’re recording with you this month, it has to be that time. And that’s what you have to do to run like a really tight ship in order to batch and be ahead of the curve in terms of episodes like that, especially when you have two or three or more people involved. But I am curious, what has been the biggest adjustment from your two standpoint, if that’s proper grammar, when it comes to adding guests into the mix versus just one is you too?
April Martini 47:20
Giving up? Control is always my problem? Yeah, I
Anne Candido 47:22
was gonna say hit you in the ribs when it’s my turn to talk. Yeah.
April Martini 47:29
Yeah, fair. So I think in the beginning, because the bigger theoretical question for us was, we were building the podcast because we were trying to build our brand as a new brand of forthright people through the lens of marketing smarts. And so I think, yes, part of it was like, we’ve got to eliminate variables in the beginning, but part of it was also there are things we really genuinely want to cover. And we also want to establish our voice and the way that we interact together and the fact that we are experts in our space, and then subsequently becoming expert podcasters, with the duration of time where we didn’t have anybody bringing on guests, and you said it with co host and guest, the air time becomes one of the tension points. And I will say that, for me, the personal stress that would happen is if I felt like things were getting unwieldy, meaning either we weren’t moving on to the next point, quote, unquote, fast enough, or the episode was getting like, very, very long, and she’s laughing at me, because I’m the one
Anne Candido 48:36
who talks a lot of times we don’t get to the next point, know, very
April Martini 48:41
well, and, uh, but I think when it came to the guests, it was more like, like, you don’t want to cut them off. Yeah, you don’t want to step on their toes. But you want this show to maintain the integrity of what we’re doing at marketing smarts. And we wanted to maintain our overall voice and expertise through that. And so there was a lot of a balancing act. And then, for me, personally, when I would recommend and bring on a guest, what I didn’t anticipate that would cause immediate anxiety in the room is, I come from the agency world, a lot of the folks that I’m tapping, stand up like I do in front of rooms full of people with no problem, you put the mic in front of them. And some of the greatest ones I’ve ever worked with would freeze up at first. And so some of the conversation we’ve had today about it’s not live, the greatest advice we can give you is to just keep talking. If you would like to restate it, say, hey, I want to reach now we say Hey, Max, we’re going to resay that or so and so guest is going to re say that, right? But it is like it’s another variable and it’s a person. It’s not even like a thing, right? So it’s almost more than one variable at that point in time. And then the final thing I’ll say and then I will add and talk is we’ve also done a couple episodes with four of us that came in again, those same concerns Things came up again, when we decided to tackle that, because then again, it’s the airtime and the balancing and making sure that we are the leaders in those discussions. Yeah,
Anne Candido 50:10
I echo all that I’ll get a little bit tactical, I mean, me and April, we script out our episodes, doesn’t mean we read off a script, but we script them out. And even in the very beginning, we would say, Okay, you’re leading this episode, here’s your section, and here’s, I’m going to build on it. This is my section, and then you’re going to build on it. And so we did it in a way to be able to balance how we were together to make sure that it wasn’t one person monopolizing the conversation either way, as we’ve gotten a little bit more fluid, we have started to lighten that up a little bit. But even now that we brought on guests, when we did our four point format, with the guests, we would still do the same thing. And but in that case, the person who was leading it was good to be the intro person, and then the guest would respond. And then the other person had a color commentary. So just think of you know, your Joe Buck Troy Aikman, so somebody who played Joe Buck, somebody would play Troy Aikman, and then the guests would be in there. So we did that for a while. But then when we realized that maybe our guest wasn’t getting enough air time, we switched it to more of the kind of the q&a format, but we still have one person leading it, the guests respond. And then generally, the other person kind of plays color commentary, and then the person who’s leading it comes back in to drive it to the next point. So but being April also have like a sixth sense of fun, like, we each have something to say, or we don’t have something to say. And we kind of look for each other’s cues. And we look for the cues of our guests just to kind of see, did they look like they have something to say versus Are they ready to move on? Or are they getting tired? Are they getting fatigued. And we realized that in some cases, our episodes, were too long for some of our guests, and they were getting fatigued. So we cut out sections. So it’s a lot about that body language, it’s a lot about kind of recognizing the tone of your guests. And if they’re starting to say the same thing over and over again, and then just kind of understand the art of podcasting and interviewing technically, which is to move on or to segue to something new and a new space. So it is a practice, are really interviewing, but then also kind of understanding with somebody else who’s going to take which part and being intentional in that. So that it does feel like when somebody hears it a conversation like you said, like somebody’s a fly on the wall, having a conversation with three people versus just a back and forth with two
Max Branstetter 52:27
Of course, Anne finds a way to bring the Hall of Famer Troy Aikman into to a conversation,
Anne Candido 52:31
my favorite all time, all time. Hey,
Max Branstetter 52:34
my my dad actually is well my dad’s a big Cowboys fan. But anyway. Well, I don’t know whose favorite players we could segue into a whole other sports podcast. I know. April would love that.
April Martini 52:43
You do know me well, Max.
Max Branstetter 52:45
I’ve edited an episode or two. But I appreciate you sharing that and being so candid, Candido. Because it’s really interesting when people when podcast hosts shift their format a little bit, it’s always interesting hearing like, what they like better, what tweaks they made, but I you made me think of something there in terms of like, outlining or quote unquote, scripting out some of the stuff from episodes that I think actually, wedding planning actually helped me to this crystallized for me, but you know, everybody says what the wedding like you stress for all these different details for the wedding. And then the big night happens. And you know, you’re so stressed out, like leading up, there’s all these things you have to figure out with wedding planning. And then on the big night, like if there’s a minor detail that wasn’t included, or you didn’t get to flush out as much like nobody’s gonna know, it’s literally like just you who knows who you espouse, obviously. But in podcasting, the same thing kind of applies to your outline where you and maybe your guests are the only ones that are going to know if you didn’t get to, you know, that fifth or sixth point, your audience isn’t going to know that. And most of the time, it’s not going to hurt the episode when you don’t get to all those points. Now, obviously, you shouldn’t spend 50 minutes of a 60 minute interview just talking about the guest bio, but like, you should know, you know when to move on when to pro more or when to move on to the next time. Let’s make sure you get those key segments in there. But it’s okay if you don’t get to everything you plan for. And most of the time, it might not even be, you know, a meaningful tip for some of your audience. So it’s okay. You don’t need to stress about it too much. Well,
Anne Candido 54:26
I think it’s important to understand too, what do you want people to take away from that episode? And that’s the whole point of this script is like, we want to make sure that people understand this or they hear this or they these tidbits are revealed because we feel like our episodes are always jam packed full of value. And so if we’re not adding value, and if it just feels like we’re just like up here in the ether just talking hypotheticals, we haven’t done our job and delivering the value we think our podcasts should and what our listeners expect. So that just helps you guys to make sure you’re being honest about Hey, Did I cover everything that my listenership feel was like they would want to take out of this and what would they want to know from this person we have on or the conversation that us too are having. And we do ask for feedback on a regular basis about those things. What do you guys like to hear more of we heard people like more banter, they like our personal stories. I like the personal stories of the guests. And so those are the things that we make sure that we wrap in and we make sure are front and center so that they can get that value. Otherwise, I mean, there’s a lot of other marketing power TAs to listen to. So I mean, we’re playing that that game of brand differentiation, just like everybody else.
Max Branstetter 55:30
On that note, how many points have we not gotten to today? Because your producer is too long winded?
April Martini 55:36
Well, I was I was just actually you, man, you stole my thunder. You still sorry,
Max Branstetter 55:40
I’m I’m too used to the hosting side. You got to like get me firmly
Anne Candido 55:44
all in one in one format or another even if we didn’t do it, like here’s the question, here’s the answer. Well, so and I was gonna be like, Okay, I’m gonna be the one now to stop the conversation as the lead because so much in the last five minutes so now she’s well,
April Martini 56:00
I was gonna say so peek behind the curtain. We have another guest in 13 minutes. Yep. So we are going to move to some rapid fire which these are struggle for me too, Max but you gotta be gotta be quick and concise. Right? That’s what he tells me anyway. And I fail every time. I’ll keep it tight. So to get to know you, although we’ve had plenty of banter here, so I think the guests can get a sense of you and what it would be like to work with you. But just for you know, formatting sake. favorite drink of choice since we had so much happy hour talk.
Max Branstetter 56:28
I’m a huge craft beer fan. I always like beer. But over the past. I don’t know, five, six years. Craft beer especially so I probably drink IPAs most of the time. But those Belgian Golden Ales, like Delirium Tremens is my favorite. Oh, that’s good stuff. Alright, that’s it, cut me off.
April Martini 56:49
All right, favorite sport to watch since you guys decided that was part of today’s discussion.
Max Branstetter 56:55
Definitely football huge, huge, huge RedZone fan watching it every Sunday, of course, huge Browns fan as well. We don’t we don’t need to, you know, talk rivalries here. But fun fact, really cool fun fact of the Wild Business Growth Podcast was I was able to interview Scott Hanson from NFL RedZone for an episode. So that’s always
April Martini 57:13
super cool. Yeah. All right. Favorite podcast, other than this one, which we know is one of your favorites.
Max Branstetter 57:21
Oh, yeah, let’s do it. Okay, I was you aren’t, he’s not going to know you almost didn’t rely on my podcast. I’ll give you too quickly. Overall, in terms of just like general learning, and being inspired, and like learning new tips and tricks and stuff, Tim Ferriss, I love the Tim Ferriss show. Ah, yeah, you know, me too. So Tim Ferriss, and then it’s just for like a pure fun sports one Pardon My Take the guys from barstool, they release three episodes a week, and it’s kind of for me and lots of my friends, especially like, it’s a tradition like you’re listening every Monday, Wednesday, Friday morning to Pardon My Take, especially when your team wins. It makes it extra fun. But so two very different personalities there. So
Anne Candido 58:07
you’ve listened to it more this year than you did last year? Yes,
Max Branstetter 58:10
exactly. Appreciate that.
April Martini 58:15
All right. So we will sum things up today by anything else you want the audience to know, anything we didn’t cover. Although we cover quite a lot. I feel like we could have like seven podcasting episodes, and still not enough about podcasting. But sure, final comments, bring us home and then let people know where to find you to continue the conversation and hopefully become your clients and start their own podcast.
Max Branstetter 58:37
Well, thank you both so much. This has been awesome. This has been the even cornea and wackier than I could have ever imagined. Now, you two are great and absolutely love working with you and huge fan of your podcast. So thanks again for thinking of me for this and overall podcasting kind of rules to live by, I would just say, Only keep doing it if you’re having fun. And I think that’s where a lot of podcasters get into trouble is they pick a topic or they pick a style of podcasts that they really aren’t that passionate about and that’s where you see people get burned out after not that many episodes so only keep doing it if you’re having fun and then in turn if you’re an interview podcast, which I don’t know how this one worked for you guys today but only interview people that you want to interview so only have people on your show that you get really energized talking to because otherwise it’s you know it starts to become oh my god I you know I’ve so many meetings today and I got to talk to this person that no only interview people that you want to so that’s my that’s my parting advice. And then if you want to learn anything more about me again, I don’t know why you would. But the starting place for everything is and all the links to the Wild Business Growth Podcast, the Podcasting to the Max newsletter, as well as all my social media accounts are on there. So And yes, there is a pun in the name because I couldn’t resist but thank you both so much. This was a treat.
April Martini 1:00:00
Awesome. Well thank you, Max, and to all of our guests we will say go and exercise your Marketing Smarts! Still need help in growing your Marketing Smarts? Contact us through our website: We can help you become a savvier marketer through coaching or training you and your team or doing the work on your behalf. Please also help us grow the podcast by rating and reviewing on your player of choice and sharing with at least one person. Now, go show off your Marketing Smarts!